Just days before E3, Microsoft has announced Forza Horizon 2, the next installment in their flagship racing series. It will feature the same open-world racing structure that was introduced with its predecessor, Forza Horizon, which launched in 2012 for Xbox 360 and 2013 as an Xbox One launch title.
Development on the new game is being handled primarily by Playground Games, the studio that also worked on the first Horizon, though the team is said to be "collaborating closely" with the Forza Motorsport team at Turn 10 Studios. “[Turn 10 and Playground] share this belief that we can create a true home for racing fans on Xbox One,” Horizon 2 creative director Ralph Fulton told IGN.
Forza Horizon 2 will feature hundreds of new cars according to Playground Games, headlined by the 2015 Lamborghini Huracán. The game' Southern Europe setting will also offer "incredible diversity" and "amazing vistas," as players experience, for the first time ever, the long-awaited weather system. Music will again play a "big part" in the game, with a musical festival serving as the central event for activities. Lastly, Forza 5's Drivatar system is also being adapted for this game.
Forza Horizon 2 is coming to Xbox One and Xbox 360 this fall.