‘Fourth-person’ puzzler Pavilion coming to PS4 and Vita in 2014

We've got first-person and third-person games but now — thanks to Sony Japan and Visiontrick Media — we're about to see our first fourth-person game, Pavilion. What the heck is a fourth-person play, you ask?

"Basically, the character is not your avatar and you are not in control of him. Instead, you have to find different ways — mostly through environmental interaction — to guide, influence or even force him to explore and fulfill the purpose of the world,' Visiontrick Media co-founder Henrik Flink explains. "This indirect control is what we refer to when we say fourth-person." 

A brief trailer for the game might help you better understand.

Looking to keep the experience a surprise, Flink opted not to reveal too much more about the game. All we know is that Pavilion throws you directly into its mysterious world without any text tutorials or beginning explanations. "It is a puzzle game portrayed through exploration and audio-visual imagery. By interacting and observing you gradually, bit by bit, learn things about both the puzzling gameplay and the world itself," its description reads.

Pavilion is due out for PS4 and Vita in 2014.