Fox breaks into house, steals PlayStation controller

If I was that fox I'd take the rest of the system with it.

We have seen plenty of people get caught while stealing PlayStation 4s and after stealing for doing stupid things like shoving the PS4 in their pants or failing to disconnect the WiFi, but no one got away with it like the fox, who was never caught – just watched.

A neighborhood fox not only broke into someone's house while they were home, but it also stole th household PlayStation controller. Maybe this was Nintendo getting back at the family for not owning a Wii U and buying Star Fox Zero.

According to the 43-year old father living in the home, he doesn't quite feel so safe at home any more and hopes that his footage will warn other about urban foxes. All I know it, I'd take a fox breaking into my house over a human breaking in and shoving my PS4 in his pants.

You can watch the fox steal the controller in the video above.
