Free Mafia 3 demo lets you play the whole first act of the game

Your progress carries over too!

If you've been holding off on buying Mafia 3 because some of the reviews concerned you, now you can try a sizable chunk of the game for free! A new free demo on PS4, PC, and Xbox One allows users to play the entire first act of Mafia 3 which consists of a heist, intense action, and the start of your quest for revenge against the Italian mafia.

If you decide to purchase the game after playing the demo, all your progress will carry over! The demo will take up 27GBs on PS4, 25GBs on Xbox One, and 24GBs on PC. You can view a quick trailer below.

If you already own Mafia 3, a new expansion released today titled "Faster, Baby!". You can click the link to read more about it and watch a trailer.

Mafia 3 is out now on Xbox One, PS4, and PC.