Here’s When You Can Play The Free Prequel to Life is Strange 2, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, a prequel to Life is Strange 2, was recently announced at E3 and today we learn that the free game is coming out a few hours earlier than previously shared. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit will be available on all major platforms, PC, PS4 and Xbox One at the same time on June 25th. Check out the graph below to see when you will be able to download it.
The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit Release Schedule
During recent E3, Dontnod Entertainment unveiled their new prequel to their smash-hit Life is Strange’s sequel. In a surprise twist, this single prequel episode will also be available for free to download on every platform. A very welcoming PR move to boost excitement for the long-awaited sequel to Life is Strange.
While Life is Strange features teenage girls as the protagonists, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit puts you in the role of a 10-year-old young boy and his life with his father. The whimsical trailer for The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit shown during this year’s E3 set up an almost Saturday Morning Cartoon vibe, with our young character imagining himself as a superhero and having adventures.
The game will directly link to Life is Strange 2 in multiple ways, according to Square Enix. The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit takes place in the same universe as Life is Strange, giving you a glimpse at the world of the upcoming sequel, and the player’s choices made in this free prequel episode will be carried over to Life is Strange 2 if you desire to.
Game creator studio Dontnod Entertainment managed to turn tables 180 degrees after their first game release Remember Me in 2013 failed to become a success, with their second title Life is Strange two years later. Ever since the French studio was signed by publishers to develop more titles. Just a few weeks ago they released Vampyr, a narrative action-RPG set in the early 20th century following a tale of vampires amidst a mysterious flu outbreak. Vampyr convinced fans and critics alike, you can check out our own review of it here.
Arne Cito
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