Frictional Games is certaily no stranger to creeping gamers out with chilling stories and haunting atmospheres. Even though they took a backseat to Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, which was developed by The Chinese Room, it does seem like they have been working on a new project in the meantime.
While there isn't any concrete information on this new title, called SOMA at the moment, FG has been releasing short, live action teasers. Shifting from dark, gothic hallways to a more Sci-fi inspired setting, it seems like SOMA will very much involve a man vs. machine scenario.
In the first teaser titled Vivarium, we're introduced to Engineer Reed, who is tasked with examining a large computer of unknown origins.
The second tease titled Mockingbird, shows Reed questioning a disassembled machine. Unsettling events unfold.
While they're not downright terrifying, these teasers know how to build up tension and deliver on a haunting premise. I definitely can't wait to learn more about SOMA and what it actually becomes.
Excuse me while I go calm myself down and get rid of these goosebumps.