Full Steam ahead! Gunpoint secures PC release

Gunpoint, the indie stealth puzzler, is headed to Steam. Gunpoint was a 2012 IGF finalist (Independent Games Festival); among the finalists from that year are Spelunky, Fez, Anitchamber and Johann Sebastian Joust

Gunpoint's creator, Tom Francis, has previously described the game as "rewiring things and punching people."

In Gunpoint, you play as a freelance spy that breaks into high-security buildings by rewiring electronics and using different gadgets. Using a Crosslink gadget, you can see how all lights, switches, doors, cameras and guns are wired. Then, you can rewire them by dragging connections. For example, that light switch that controls the light can be rewired to a door to unlock it. 

The art style looks awesome, the stealth gameplay looks great, and the puzzles look to have multiple ways of solving them. There's no release date yet, but you can follow everything Gunpoint-related on the game's official site. To learn more about the gadget's you'll be able to use in the game, watch the video below.

You can follow Senior Editor Lance Liebl on Twitter @Lance_GZ. He likes talking sports, video games, movies, and the stupidity of celebrities. Email at [email protected]