Galactic Patrol: Special Assignment Goes Beta!



(windows operating system only)

MBD is proud to announce that Galactic
Patrol: Special Assignment is now ready for Beta testing. Just like Galactic
Patrol Classic, GPSA provides the best 3d homage to the classic arcade hits of
the early 80’s that can be found on the net. This new version of the game comes
with all new levels of gameplay and builds upon the strengths of the original
Galactic Patrol!

We are collecting the emails of interested
testers at the link below:

"One of the first games we ever released on
our own was Galactic Patrol", says Jean A. Ames, CTO of, "Since
that time, we have seen two generations of the classic Galactic Patrol and it
has just been one of our most solid and fun games to work with. GP: Special
Assignment takes our 80’s Arcade genre to the next step. We are proud to be
growing with Galactic Patrol and have been very honored by the gamers positive
response to this game over the years".

Hone your Galactic Patrol skills for the
upcoming GPSA release by downloading the latest GP2 version and seeing what the
game has to offer:*ws4d-db-query-QuickShow?gp001
is released for mac, osx, and pc)

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About Monkey Byte Development, LLC.

Founded in 1995, Monkey Byte has developed
entertainment titles ranging from children’s edutainment to 3D multi-player
games, and continues to expand it’s software publishing role with increased
focuses upon the independent software and small business net services. was launched in 1997 to offer
an alternative sales avenue for independent game and software developers from
all over the world. was spun off at this same time to support
the MBD web efforts.

Our most recent ventures include the
development and sponsorship of a new web presence at The
Monkey Byte Development team is dedicated to support new and emerging products
and services and we are excited to keep our family of developers in continual

Come and play with us!

To learn more visit: