Gamers for Health Program Launched by ECA

The Wii and Kinect have promoted fitness titles in the past, but now the Entertainment Consumers Association is getting in on the whole health thing too. The ECA Institute just launched their Gamers for Health initiative. This new program doesn’t have any free giveaways or cool downloadable apps, but it does offer a social networking platform where gamers can blog about their fitness goals and discuss them with other gamers. It may not sound like much, but having others get behind you is one of the top motivational tools when it comes to health and fitness.

Gamers for Health users can set up a profile, list their currently owned consoles and games, and let others know what their plans are for getting in better shape. Pictures and videos can be uploaded and shared as well. This is a pretty interesting tool for gamers who have a hard time keeping up with their fitness plans throughout the year, and it certainly promotes better living for those who with healthy plans in their immediate future. So if you want to share your health-related goals and success stories, go for a run with your Pokewalker and get blogging!
