GameStop and Square Enix hop in bed together to send you around the world

In honor of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII, GameStop and Square Enix have put together a massive giveaway. They’re calling it the ‘Epic Reward Giveaway.’ It’s fairly simple, all you have to do is be a PowerUp Rewards member and purchase something from GameStop during the month of February. That’s it. By doing so you are entered into the running to win. Does preordering count? Sure does. What about making a trade? Yuuuup. What about the online store? Mmhmm. Limited to one transaction a day though, folk.

Alright, that’s fine and all, but what do you win? How does a thirteen day trip (get it, FF13) across the world, with paid expenses, shopping sprees, VIP tours, and other unique activities sound? Ummmm yes please. The locations you’ll be traveling to are the inspiration to many location in the game. Remember, Lightning Returns releases Feb 11th.

  • Las Vegas – City of Yusnaan
  • Paris – City of Luxerion
  • Cairo – Dead Dunes
  • Costa – Rica for the Wildlands

Epic LIghtning

So, umm, yea, go buy stuff from GameStop this month. Next month’s Epic Reward is for Dark Souls II. Is that something someone would want to win? What sort of terrible/horrific place could they send you to for winning? Imminent tears…