Gears of War: Judgment lets you buy double XP boosts

Whatever happened to the days of actually playing a game and enjoying it while leveling through the ranking process? It seems players today are, more than ever, in a rush to get to the highest possible rank in a game — and nothing emphasizes that type of behavior more than the Gears of War: Judgment microtransaction system.

As noted by CVGGears of War: Judgment allows players to purchase double XP boosts that last for a certain set period. For 80 Microsoft Points, or $1.00, you can purchase double XP for ten online matches. For 320 MSP ($4.00) you can get double XP for 50 matches; 560 MSP ($7.00) for 100 matches; 800 MSP ($10.00) for 200 matches. Essentially, you can continue buying double XP boosts until you are max rank.

But is it really paying to win? Technically, your rank and the amount of experience you accumulate have no affect on your actual gameplay, as you don't unlock new weapons or abilities with your levels. The only things you'll earn quicker are prize boxes featuring new weapon camos and character skins. You're really not gaining any gameplay benefit as a result. And if you really think about it, this isn't any different than a brand promotion like Microsoft had with Mountain Dew for double XP in Halo 4. In that game, your rank actually factors into eventual abilities you acquire via the Specializations system.

Gears of War: Judgment is just the latest triple-A console title to offer microtransactions. Last week, Activision announced microtransactions would be added to Black Ops 2, allowing players to purchase "personal customizations or nice little luxuries" such as unique weapon camos, different targeting reticules, and a special Calling Card. However, you're also able to purchase an extra 10 Create-a-Class slots, which is clearly an advantage if you want multiple setups for each map. 

Are microtransactions the soon-to-be the norm among triple-A console games? Do you plan on purchasing any double XP boosts?