Get lost in Luigi’s face with this real-life Super Mario Bros. maze

The entrance is the exit, how lost can you get?

If you’ve been longing to get lost in Super Mario Bros., your nostalgia filled dreams have been answered by a New York farmer. According to a post on Reddit,  a Newark Valley farmer used eight acres of his field of corn to create a Super Mario themed maze.

"My wife, Deb, decides the theme," Tim Stoughton told ABC News. "She just liked the idea of the Mario brothers because everybody pretty much knows what they are and it’d be fun for the kids to see."

The thing is, if you’re in a maze… you can’t really tell what the theme is – unless you have the ability to fly above the maze. I’m not particularly sure how excited I would be to get lost in Mario’s face, but hey, there’s someone out there that likes that kind of thing.

It's only a matter of time until Nintendo dispatches their copyright patrol to shut the farm down.

The maze is obviously a work of art that took a lot of time and effort to produce. Hopefully, the roughly 10,000 maze visitors adore it and treat it with respect.