Ghost Recon: Future Soldier Arctic Strike DLC unlocks ‘Stockade’ mode

Last week, Ubisoft announced the Arctic Strike Map Pack, the first downloadable content pack for upcoming game Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.

The announcement confirmed that the new content pack would include a new multiplayer mode, which was not revealed, in addition to some new maps and weapons.

Thanks to GameStop, however, we now know "Stockade" will be the new multiplayer mode unlocked with Arctic Strike.  The upcoming DLC which will release in July also includes a new Guerrilla Mode co-op map, six additional weapons, and new multiplayer maps ranging from the streets of Moscow to the far reaches of the Artcic.  It will be available for 800 Microsoft Points on Xbox LIVE or $9.99 on PlayStation Network.

The actual Ghost Recon: Future Soldier game will be available on May 22 for Xbox 360 and PS3.  It will be released for PC on June 12th, though no details about the DLC on PC were announced.