Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams takes its platforming trickery to XBLA in spring 2013

Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams launched on Steam via Greenlight in October to some nicely positive reception. Players praised the visual style and throwback 2D platforming which combined successfully to revive what was originally a quirky Mario clone.

When the game's Kickstarter campaign launched, it was revealed that Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network versions of Twisted Dreams were also planned. While we still have no word on the PlayStation Network iteration, it looks like the game will be headed to Xbox Live Arcade sometime in spring 2013.

Taking up publishing duties will be bitComposer, and it appears that the company will be handling all versions of the game moving forward. Twisted Dreams is currently priced at $14.99 on Steam, so we can probably expect a similar cost on consoles. If you're in the mood for colorful retro-inspired platforming, I'd say you should keep this one on your radar.

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