Google responds to service mishap as Russia translates to ‘Mordor’

'There’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo'… but it's probably not worth Googling

Some people might find this funny, some people might even think somebody at Google finds this funny, but no. The global technology brand claims its service's translation from Russia to Mordor, a pretty rough place in Lord of the Rings, was simply an "automatic error."

Well, they say lightning doesn't strike twice. 

The BBC has reported that not only is Russia translated incorrectly but when translating the name Russia's Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, Google Translate reportedly offers "sad little horse" as a sound translation. 

Google translate mishap as Russia translated to 'Mordor' / source: Pinterest

Google has responded to reports that users were finding errors – such as these – and have released the following statement: 

"Google Translate is an automatic translator – it works without the intervention of human translators, using technology instead. 

"This means that not all translations are perfect, and there will sometimes be mistakes or mistranslations," the statement added.

"We always work to correct these as quickly as possible when they are brought to our attention."

Although Google's statement seemingly rules out the possibility that somebody had interfered with the service, it is possible for users to suggest translations manually – however BBC reports this was not the source of this issue, which was later fixed.