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Grandia II (PS2) Items List

II (PS2) Items List

Compliments of UbiSoft

a little help playing this hot PS2 RPG? Here’s a helpful items list to
print up for your gameplaying pleasure, compliments of the game’s
publisher, UbiSoft!





Granasaber – 0 – +150 ATK Cuts SP consumption by 15%

Thor Sword – 19000 – +125 ATK Lightning-based

Icefang Sword – 18000 – +122 ATK Blizzard-based

Blazing Sword – 17000 – +120 ATK Fire-based

Holy Soul Blade – 14000 – +112 ATK Attack drops enemy’s DEF level

Maken Valborg – 12000 – +100 ATK Drains HP as 10% of damage

Silence Sword – 8500 – +85 ATK Magic block ability

Silver Freeze – 7480 – +80 ATK Blizzard-based sword [Freeze!]

Sword of Mikage – 6900 – +77 ATK Prized 1st-class katana

Fine Broadsword – 4500 – +70 ATK Katana forged by a craftsman

Claymore – 3600 – +60 ATK Huge two-handed sword

Ogre Slayer – 2600 – +55 ATK Effective on humanoids

Swordfish Sword – 2200 – +52 ATK Made from a swordfish sword

Shadowblade – 4000 – +44 ATK -4 MOV Sudden death power

Flamberge – 1440 – +40 ATK Fire-based sword [Burn!]

Sword of Purity – 1200 – +40 ATK Effective on undead

Samurai Blade – 900 – +38 ATK Samurai sword

Army Saber – 750 – +32 ATK Sword used in the army

Shamshir – 620 – +26 ATK Lion’s tail-shaped curved sword

Falx – 500 – +22 ATK A scythe-shaped curved sword

Geoblade – 400 – +18 ATK A common Geohound’s sword

Zero Broadsword – 0 – +0 ATK Powerless curved sword


Holy Ghost Staff – 0 – +138 ATK Cuts MP consumption by 10%

Huge Flail – 17000 – +128 ATK -5 MOV An enormous flail

Guardian Staff – 15500 – +118 ATK Earth-based [Diggin’]

Decalogue Staff – 11800 – +108 ATK Magic/move block effect

Priest’s Staff – 12000 – +99 ATK [Halvah]

Golden Flail – 8200 – +92 ATK -5 MOV WAY too heavy

Silver Flail – 6800 – +82 ATK -5 MOV Smash with magic power

Aromatic Root – 7200 – +75 ATK [Refresh] Aromatic tree root

Buster Flail – 4400 – +70 ATK -5 MOV Forcefully destructive

Lullaby Staff – 5880 – +65 ATK Sleep effect

Quarry Staff – 4200 – +60 ATK Earth-based [Tremor]

Whirlwind Staff – 4200 – +60 ATK Wind-based [Howlslash]

Blazing Staff – 4200 – +60 ATK Fire-based [Burnflame]

Sister’s Staff – 3500 – +55 ATK [Cure]

Oracle’s Staff – 1800 – +50 ATK [Cures confusion]

Battle Rod – 960 – +45 ATK A light nimble combat staff

Flame Staff – 1250 – +40 ATK Fire-based [Burn!]

Iron Rod – 720 – +30 ATK A heavy iron rod

Prayer Staff – 500 – +22 ATK An acolyte’s defensive staff

Dragon Wand – 15000 – +11 ATK Lightning-based [DragonZap]

Useless Staff – 0 – +0 ATK Staff; useless as a weapon


Black Angel Bow – 22000 – +135 ATK Drains MP as 10% of damage

Exorcism Bow – 11500 – +105 ATK Effective on undead

Dread Bow – 7400 – +85 ATK Crossbow made by ancient mage

Arbalest – 4500 – +70 ATK A huge crossbow

Flying Fish Bow – 2400 – +55 ATK Fish-shaped bow good on birds

Burning Bow – 1440 – +45 ATK Fire-based

Crossbow – 860 – +35 ATK A powerful missile weapon

Unstrung Bow – 0 – +0 ATK Bow with a loose bowstring


Brave Dirk – 26000 – +145 ATK +5 SP recovery during attack

Dirk – 23000 – +140 ATK A largish dagger [WOW!]

Gladius – 0 – +125 ATK A royal treasure

Sword Breaker – 14500 – +110 ATK Attack drops enemy ATK level

Soul Eater – 6800 – +75 ATK Drains HP as 10% of damage

Main Gauche – 4600 – +62 ATK +10 DEF

Warp Knife – 2750 – +55 ATK Warp movement during attack

Poisoned Knife – 2980 – +50 ATK Poison effect

Flint Knife – 2000 – +48 ATK Knife made of obsidian

Ice Pick – 1440 – +44 ATK Blizzard effect

Hunter’s Knife – 880 – +36 ATK Effective against animals

Multiple Knife – 650 – +28 ATK A multi-function knife

Dull Knife – 0 – +0 ATK Knife that cannot cut

Phoenix Ring – 25000 – +142 ATK +1 SP recovery during attack

Demon Shuriken – 19800 – +128 ATK +5 MOV

Wind Cutter – 18000 – +122 ATK Wind-based

Angel Circle – 15500 – +116 ATK Effective on undead

Balor – 13800 – +108 ATK -5% SP consumption Star blade

Binding Circle – 12000 – +92 ATK Lightning-based Paralysis

Bloody Saucer – 9200 – +90 ATK Drains HP as 10% of damage

Discus – 8400 – +86 ATK Effective on bugs/crustaceans

Double Moon – 6900 – +77 ATK Weapon with 2 bladed discs

Moon Claw – 4480 – +68 ATK Crescent-shaped blade weapon

Rusty Hoop – 0 – +0 ATK Rusty iron hoop A child’s toy


Leo Rex Battleax – 16000 – +120 ATK +3 SP recovery during attack

Rune Axe – 13500 – +107 ATK Suppresses IP slowing

Tundra Battleax – 10000 – +101 ATK Blizzard-based [Crackle]

Inferno Battleax – 9800 – +98 ATK Fire-based [Burnstrike]

Bardiche – 8000 – +86 ATK Battleax with a long blade

Earthen Axe – 7500 – +78 ATK +10 DEF Earth-based

Halberd – 4400 – +68 ATK Large long-shafted axe

Dragonfly Slayer – 4120 – +60 ATK Effective on bugs/crustaceans

Dragonslayer Axe – 3680 – +58 ATK Effective on reptiles

Hammer Axe – 2200 – +52 ATK Huge axe used by musclemen

Battleax – 1180 – +42 ATK A broadax used in combat

Powerless Axe – 0 – +0 ATK An axe so light as to be useless


Holy Sword Armor – 32000 – +75 DEF Raises power of moves

Moonstone Armor – 20000 – +65 DEF Gives magic block resistance

Paladin Armor – 18000 – +60 DEF Poison/paralysis/plague resist.

Halo Armor – 16500 – +55 DEF Level 2 lightning resistance

Dragonscale Mail – 9800 – +50 DEF Scale mail made of dragon scale

Warrior Mail – 8500 – +45 DEF Great armor worn by warriors

BlackQuartz Mail – 5500 – +38 DEF Black quartz magical armor

Swordfish Armor – 2800 – +30 DEF Swordfish scale mail

Plate Mail – 1400 – +25 DEF Full-body steel armor

Shoulder Guards – 1280 – +23 DEF Huge shoulder pads

Hero’s Cuirass – 29000 – +72 DEF Restores some HP in combat

Reflect Mail – 25000 – +68 DEF Sometimes reflects damage

Aura Armor – 19800 – +64 DEF Ups power of moves

Dark Armor – 13000 – +52 DEF +1 SP recovery when damaged

Flame Armor – 9200 – +46 DEF Level 2 fire resistance

Earthen Cuirass – 8200 – +42 DEF Level 2 earth resistance

Ancient Cuirass – 3600 – +32 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Shell Armor – 1500 – +26 DEF Armor made of overlapping shell

Chain Mail – 950 – +20 DEF Armor made of woven chains

Leather Armor – 750 – +17 DEF Tanned leather armor

Valkyrie Dress – 30000 – +74 DEF +5 ACT Pure white shiny dress

Tenma’s Dress – 28000 – +72 DEF Level 2 all attack resistance

Resist Dress – 17800 – +56 DEF Level 1 all attack resistance

Sylph’s Robe – 12800 – +48 DEF Level 2 wind resistance

Red Fur Coat – 9200 – +46 DEF Level 2 blizzard resistance

Mithril Dress – 8000 – +40 DEF Dress woven of magical mithril

Flare Dress – 2980 – +30 DEF Level 2 fire resistance

Crimson Bolero – 1120 – +22 DEF Passionate red jacket

Tight Dress – 10 – +0 DEF Negates magic of friends & foes

Priestess’ Robe – 27000 – +68 DEF All status disorder resistance

Angel’s Robe – 18800 – +62 DEF Restores some HP in combat

Imperial Garb – 0 – 0000001 – +60 DEF Cyrum royal family toga

Priest’s Robe – 16000 – +54 DEF Poison/paralysis/plague resist.

Purple Robe – 4500 – +35 DEF Gives paralysis resistance

Sister’s Robe – 4500 – +35 DEF Poison resist. Granas Sisters

Pixie’s Robe – 2600 – +26 DEF Sleep/confusion resistance

Guardian Robe – 1200 – +22 DEF Gives poison resistance

Sun Robe – 27500 – +70 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Holy Clothes – 17200 – +58 DEF Gives plague resistance

Ninja Clothes – 11500 – +54 DEF Ups Evasion by 10%

Dragon Vest – 9500 – +48 DEF +5 MOV Has a dragon pattern

Ancient Suit – 8000 – +40 DEF Battle suit worn by automata

Lion Field Garb – 5980 – +35 DEF +5 ATK Lion-pattern field garb

Illusion Clothes – 3480 – +32 DEF Ups Evasion by 5%

Quilted Silk – 800 – +18 DEF A magical suit made of silk

Adventure Suit – 720 – +16 DEF A heavy suit for adventuring

Leather Jacket – 650 – +14 DEF A cowhide jacket

Cuir Bouilli – 500 – +12 DEF Boiled leather armor


God of War Helm – 12400 – +50 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Reflect Helm – 11000 – +45 DEF Sometimes reflects damage

Paladin Helmet – 7000 – +44 DEF Gives magic block resistance

Adamantine Helm – 6200 – +42 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Charisma Helm – 8000 – +38 DEF +5 ACT Cyrum’s finest

Dragon Bone Helm – 4000 – +36 DEF Helm carved of dragon backbone

Battle Helm – 3400 – +30 DEF A combat helmet

BlackQuartz Helm – 2200 – +25 DEF Black quartz magical helmet

Ogre Helm – 1450 – +25 DEF -5 MOV With huge horns

Swordfish Helmet – 1250 – +20 DEF Swordfish scale helmet

Iron Helm – 600 – +15 DEF Helmet made of iron plate

Stone Head – 450 – +11 DEF Negates knock-back

Holy Crown – 12000 – +48 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Loving Ribbon – 11500 – +46 DEF Restores some HP in combat

Starlight Tiara – 11800 – +45 DEF Cuts MP consumption by 15%

Moonlight Tiara – 9200 – +42 DEF Lv 1 confusion/blizzard resist.

Fairy Ribbon – 3500 – +32 DEF Confusion resistance By fairy

Azure Barrette – 3400 – +30 DEF Lapis lazuli hair ornament

Lightning Tiara – 3100 – +26 DEF Level 1 lightning resistance

Magnolia Bandana – 1080 – +16 DEF Level 1 earth resistance

Ruby Barrette – 350 – +8 DEF Level 1 fire resistance

Silk Hair Band – 200 – +2 DEF Elena’s favorite hair band

Red Hair Ribbon – 10 – +0 DEF Restores some HP in combat

Illusion Bandana – 11800 – +48 DEF Gives warp Evasion

Man’s Headband – 4200 – 1001011 – +36 DEF +10 ATK Suppresses IP slowing

Flame Bandana – 3600 – +30 DEF Level 1 fire resistance

Mercury Bandana – 3200 – +26 DEF +10 MOV Makes you run faster

Black Band – 2250 – +22 DEF Gives sleep resistance

Bravery Bandana – 2800 – +22 DEF +5 ACT Banishes fear

Hide Turban – 550 – +14 DEF Made of demon-beast hide

Iron Bandana – 480 – +12 DEF Has iron plates on forehead

Leather Bandana – 350 – +8 DEF Made of thick tanned leather

Bandana – 250 – +5 DEF Helps you concentrate

Hair Band – 200 – +2 DEF A band for tying hair in back

Sage’s Hat – 6980 – +38 DEF Cuts MP consumption by 5%

Priest’s Hat – 5800 – +36 DEF Magic/move block resistance

Phoenix Hat – 4800 – +34 DEF Suppresses IP slowing

Wizard’s Hat – 2000 – +22 DEF Magic block resistance

Sister’s Hat – 1750 – +20 DEF Paralysis resist. Granas Sister

Feathered Hat – 1120 – +18 DEF Has a pretty waterfowl feather

Guardian Hat – 450 – +10 DEF Gives sleep resistance

Traveler’s Hat – 300 – +6 DEF Worn by travelers

Climbing Hat – 240 – +4 DEF A hat for mountain climbing


Lion Boots – 5000 – +20 MOV +20 DEF Has a lion insignia

Elf King’s Boots – 6200 – +5 MOV +20 DEF Level 2 attack resist.

Royal Boots – 0 – +18 MOV +18 DEF The King’s boots

Wolf Boots – 3100 – +15 MOV +15 DEF Ups Evasion by 5%

Battle Boots – 1800 – +12 MOV +12 DEF Warrior’s boots

Warrior Leggings – 1400 – +10 MOV +10 DEF Foot and shin guards

Mach Boots – 1100 – +20 MOV +6 DEF Gives supersonic speed

Heavy Boots – 800 – +10 MOV +6 DEF Negates knock-back

Wing Boots – 720 – +15 MOV +5 DEF Lv 2 earth resistance

Hunter’s Boots – 400 – +8 MOV +4 DEF Lace-up boots

Leather Leggings – 280 – +0 MOV +4 DEF Light tough leather

Glass Slippers – 8000 – +10 MOV +20 ACT Like Cinderella’s

Queen Heels – 4000 – +10 MOV +10 ACT Suppresses IP slowing

Red Shoes – 2000 – +10 MOV +5 ACT Bright red shoes

Goddess Hi-Heels – 2000 – +5 MOV +10 DEF Level 1 attack resist.

Rainbow Hi-Heels – 1750 – +14 MOV +14 DEF Gives warp evasion

Magic Hi-Heels – 1100 – +12 MOV +8 DEF Magical shoes

Hi-Heels – 150 – +2 MOV Red women’s shoes

Charming Heels – 10 – +0 MOV Ups Evasion by 25%

Ogre Shoes – 2000 – +50 MOV +10 DEF Move like an ogre

Shadow Shoes – 1550 – +15 MOV +10 DEF Ups Evasion by 10%

Warp Shoes – 1600 – +0 MOV +10 DEF Warp movement in combat

Man’s Iron Clogs – 820 – 1001011 – -5 MOV +10 ATK Negates knock-back

Flame Shoes – 600 – +5 MOV +5 DEF Level 2 fire resistance

Odd Wooden Clogs – 580 – +5 MOV +5 DEF Gives warp Evasion

Giant’s Shoes – 520 – +5 MOV +5 DEF Huge shoes

Dash Shoes – 460 – +10 MOV +4 DEF Shoes give dash power

Climbing Boots – 200 – +6 MOV +2 DEF Sturdy climbing shoes

Children’s Shoes – 180 – +8 MOV Comfy sneakers

Crampons – 420 – +4 MOV Level 2 blizzard resistance

Pumps – 160 – +4 MOV Comfortable shoes


Holy Egg – 0 – Water/Earth/Forest Priestly Mana Egg

Chaos Egg – 0 – Fire/Wind/Lightning Demonic Mana Egg

Mist Egg – 0 – Wind/Water/Blizzard Airy Mana Egg

Gravity Egg – 0 – Fire/Earth/Explosion Earthy Mana Egg

Soul Egg – 0 – Wind/Water/Lightning Sagacious ManaEgg

Star Egg – 0 – Lightning/Explosion Ultimate Mana Egg

Tutor Egg – 0 – A sample Mana Egg used in tutorials

Change Egg – 0 – A sample Mana Egg used in tutorials

Fairy Egg – 0 – Recovery/Assistance Defensive ManaEgg

Dragon Egg – 0 – All attack magic Offensive Mana Egg


Mana Crystals – 25000 – Restores some MP in combat

Demon Necklace – 20000 – Cuts MP consumption by 25%

Mana Insignia – 7500 – Cuts MP consumption by 15%

Energy Charm – 18000 – Cuts SP consumption by 25%

Divine Talisman – 6000 – Cuts SP consumption by 15%

Soul of Asura – 12000 – +2 Combo attacks

Demon’s Tears – 5000 – +1 Combo attacks

Angel’s Ring – 10000 – +5 DEF Restores some HP in combat

Relief Tag – 4000 – Restores some HP in combat

King’s Pride – 0 – +25 ATK Ups power of moves

Black Belt – 2200 – +15 ATK Ups power of moves

Energy Ring – 3000 – +15 DEF Damage ups SP recovery by 5

Rage Ring – 1200 – +10 ATK Damage ups SP recovery by 3

Dragon Scales – 1500 – Negates damage under 200

Dark Ring – 750 – Negates damage under 100

Forbear Necklace – 2000 – +10 ACT Suppresses IP slowing

Rune Necklace – 750 – +5 ACT Suppresses IP slowing

Meteor Earring – 1500 – +20 MOV Ups Evasion by 25%

Mirage Earring – 600 – +10 MOV Ups Evasion by 15%

Reflection Ring – 750 – +10 DEF Sometimes reflects damage

Heavy Stone – 120 – +5 DEF -5 MOV Negates knock-back

Healing Ring – 500 – +5 DEF [Heal]

Revival Gem – 5000 – +5 DEF Revives fallen character once

Bonds of Trust – 2 – +5 ACT [Raises IP]

Jet-Black Cape – 15000 – All status resist/Lv 5 attack resist.

Kojin Charm – 10000 – Level 3 all attack resistance

Salamander Tail – 800 – +20 ATK Level 10 fire resistance

Fire Pendant – 800 – +10 DEF Level 3 fire resistance

North Wind Cape – 600 – +10 MOV Level 3 wind resistance

Crystal Brooch – 800 – +10 DEF Level 3 earth resistance

Thunder Ring – 1000 – +10 DEF Lv 3 lightning res. Para. res.

Arctic Cape – 800 – +10 DEF Level 3 blizzard resistance

Fire Charm – 400 – Level 5 fire resistance

Wind Charm – 400 – Level 5 wind resistance

Earth Charm – 400 – Level 5 earth resistance

Lightning Charm – 400 – Level 5 lightning resistance

Blizzard Charm – 400 – Level 5 blizzard resistance

Mystic Veil – 12000 – All status disorder resistance

Ring of Guarding – 5000 – +5 DEF Pois/slp/para/conf/plag resist.

Mars Talisman – 2000 – Move/magic block resistance [Refresh]

Coral Necklace – 1800 – +10 DEF Poison/sleep/confusion resist.

Talisman – 1500 – +15 ATK Poison/paralysis resistance

Crescent Jade – 1500 – +15 DEF Sleep/confusion resistance

Raincoat – 800 – +10 DEF Sleep resistance

Snake Earrings – 800 – +10 DEF Poison resistance

Poison Charm – 250 – Poison resistance

Sleep Charm – 250 – Sleep resistance

Confusion Charm – 250 – Confusion resistance

Paralysis Charm – 250 – Paralysis resistance

Move Block Charm – 400 – Move block resistance

MagicBlock Charm – 400 – Magic block resistance

Plague Charm – 600 – Plague resistance

Heracles’ Belt – 6200 – +40 ATK

Titan’s Ring – 1800 – +20 ATK

Hercules’ Brace – 660 – +5 ATK

Jade Charm – 420 – +2 ATK/DEF

Shogun’s Brace – 5000 – +40 DEF

Magical Brace – 1500 – +20 DEF

Gauntlet – 800 – +15 DEF

Silver Bracelet – 400 – +8 DEF

Leather Brace – 240 – +4 DEF

Sonic Belt – 15000 – +40 ACT

Hurricane Belt – 6000 – +20 ACT

Godspeed ring – 2500 – +15 ACT

Anklet – 1000 – +40 ACT

Moebius Ring – 750 – +2 ATK/DEF/ACT/MOV

Pretty Necklace – 10000 – Very valuable necklace

Pretty Bracelet – 5000 – Very valuable bracelet

Pretty Ring – 1000 – Very valuable ring

Friends Necklace – 2500 – +25 DEF Symbol of earnest friendship


Mystic Potion – 500 – Restores all HP

Scarlet Potion – 250 – Restores 1600 HP

Healing Fruit – 100 – Restores 1200 HP

Holy Wound Salve – 60 – Restores 800 HP

Wound Salve – 24 – Restores 400 HP

Medicinal Herb – 10 – Restores 200 HP

Potion of Azure – 750 – Revives fallen character right to COM

Hero’s Elixir – 1000 – Revives fallen character +5 all levels

Yomi’s Elixir – 500 – Revives a fallen character

Panacea – 500 – Cures all status disorders

Purifying Herb – 40 – Cures poison and paralysis

Poison Antidote – 14 – Cures poison

Paralysis Salve – 14 – Cures paralysis

Torte’s Reedpipe – 30 – Awakens sleeping characters

Smelling Salts – 20 – Cures confusion

Blessing Scroll – 150 – Releases move blocks and magic blocks

Move Blessing – 50 – Releases move blocks

Magic Blessing – 50 – Releases magic blocks

Vaccine – 100 – Cures plague

Indigo Potion – 1000 – Restores all MP

Magical Medicine – 360 – Restores 100 MP

Grail Fruit – 120 – Restores 50 MP Mt. Grail specialty

Lumir Flower – 40 – Restores 25 MP Lumir Forest specialty

Nut of Light – 2000 – Restores all SP

Baobab Fruit – 360 – Restores 100 SP Ghoss Forest specialty

Butter Roll – 120 – Restores 50 SP St. Heim specialty

Blueberry – 40 – Restores 25 MP Lumir Forest specialty

Caterpillar Soup – 500 – Restores 600 HP Cures poison/paralysis

Toad Oil – 80 – Restores 300 HP +2 DEF level

Calming Harp – 250 – Restores 25 MP (Chance of breaking)

Lion Harp – 800 – Restores 25 SP (Chance of breaking)

Golden Nut – 2000 – Restores 72 HP Pricey golden delicacy

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