Grid: Autosport racing to Xbox 360, PS3 and PC in June

The rumors are true, ladies and gentlemen. Codemasters is developing Grid: Autosport for last gen systems and PC. And they are taking a more old-school approach to it.

"Grid 2 raced off into a more narrative-led world with accessible controls, and it’s clear that for many of you that wasn’t what you wanted or expected from it. So with Grid: Autosport we had the opportunity to make a much more focused motorsport game, a desire that many of you have expressed directly to us, and a game that in spirit goes back to some of our earlier titles in terms of content and handling," said Codemasters Ben Walke.

In terms of car handling, Autosport is going back to a "more authentic handling style." It's not a full simulation, but it's "more towards that end of the specttrum than before." Other features include a single-player career (with the return of a teammate) that sees you become a professional racing driver, as well as multiplayer gameplay with online Racing Clubs.

Racing Disciplines are also a core foundation of the game. There are five within Autosport, each with its own unique style and feeling. "A Touring Car race feels completely different to that of an Endurance or Open Wheel," explained Walke. "It’s one of our key goals to capture the authenticity of each discipline in Grid: Autosport."

We actually had the opportunity to see Grid: Autosport at a recent Namco Bandai event. Check out our more in-depth preview and learn more about all of the game's features here.

Grid: Autosport will be released for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC on June 24.