Disney XD announced today that the Guardians of the Galaxy animated series will makes its highly anticipated debut on September 26. It will feature an outstanding cast made up of Will Friedle (Boy Meets World) as Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Trevor Devall (Johnny Test) as Rocket Raccoon, Vanessa Marshall (Star Wars Rebels) as Gamora, David Sobolov (Transformers: Prime) as Drax the Destroyer, Kevin Michael Richardson (The Cleveland Show) as Groot and James Arnold Taylor (Star Wars: The Clone Wars) as Yondu and Cosmo.
As part of Disney XD's big launch event, viewers can start watching the animated series on September 5th. These are little introductions to the bigger show that will debut on September 26th, check out the listings down below, courtesy of IGN.
- Each Saturday throughout August, two new character shorts will telecast on Disney XD.
- August 1: Star-Lord – Part 1 (8:58 p.m., ET/PT) & Part 2 (10:28 p.m., ET/PT)
- August 8: Groot – Part 1 (8:58 p.m., ET/PT) & Part 2 (9:58 p.m., ET/PT)
- August 15: Rocket Raccoon – Part 1 (8:58 p.m., ET/PT) & Part 2 (9:58 p.m., ET/PT)
- August 22: Drax – Part 1 (8:58 p.m., ET/PT) & Part 2 (9:58 p.m., ET/PT)
- August 29: Gamora – Part 1 (8:58 p.m., ET/PT) & Part 2 (9:58 p.m., ET/PT)
- Disney XD debuts sneak peek at first episode of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy at 9:00 p.m., ET/PT.
- "Road to Knowhere" – The newly-christened Guardians of the Galaxy come into possession of a dangerous artifact that has Thanos' new lieutenant, Korath, after them.
- One-hour premiere of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy featuring back-to-back episodes on Disney XD (9:30 p.m. – 10:30 p.m., ET/PT).
- Encore presentation of "Road to Knowhere" followed by "Knowhere to Run." In "Knowhere to Run," the Guardians struggle to subdue the suddenly-sprung-to-life Celestial head that is the Knowhere space colony, as well as storm Korath's ship to rescue Quill, Gamora and the mysterious CryptoCube that holds the Cosmic Seed.
- Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy available to WATCH Disney XD users on WATCHDisneyXD.com and the WATCH Disney XD app for smartphones, tablets and connected TVs.
The Guardians of the Galaxy animated series “follows the newly-formed team who finds a strange artifact keyed only to the DNA of Peter Quill. Upon opening it, Quill unleashes a treasure map leading to a powerful weapon known as the Cosmic Seed which is capable of giving birth to the next universe. It's up to the Guardians to find, protect and ultimately destroy the Cosmic Seed in order to keep it out of the hands of those who would abuse its power, from galactic big boss Thanos, to the conniving brothers the Collector and the Grandmaster, to a resurrected Ronan, to the ultimate trickster, Loki, in order to save the universe.”