Guardians of the Galaxy director promises fan $100,000, if he can prove him wrong

That's not easy to do

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of Marvel's juggernaut movies and director James Gunn hid more than a few easter eggs in it. What's even more impressive is that one of them still hasn't been discovered.

Even though easter egg hunters have watched the movie frame by frame several times they still haven't been able to find all of them and it seems like what James Gunn said back in 2014 still stands. But if he is lying, he gets to pay for it.

"There’s definitely one really big thing that people haven’t seen, but they may never see it — we’ll see."

While hosting an impromptu Q&A session on his Facebook page, James Gunn said that he was not planning on revealing what this well-hidden easter egg is. Since no one has been able to find it yet, it comes as no surprise that some think that Gunn is just a big troll. But Gunn bit back and promised a certain doubtful commentor $100,000 if he could prove that the easter egg does not exist, quite a difficult task.

the challenge

Now either James Gunn knows that there is, in fact, an easter egg hidden in Guardians of the Galaxy or he trusts that Tanin Moores is too lazy to prove him wrong. But remember that there is no cash reward for actually finding this easter egg, just a whole lot of internet fame, and if you prove Gunn wrong he will not pay you; just the commenter, Moores.

Hope for Gunn's sake that no one proves him wrong.

Source: Collider