Guillermo del Toro’s Hellboy 3 idea is has Hellboy bringing on the Apocalypse

Too bad we might never see it.

It wasn't long ago when Ron Perlman, the actor who played as Hellboy, was quoted saying he 'doesn't want to do Hellboy 3.' Even after he took to San Diego Comic-Con spouting about how much he wanted to finish the trilogy.

A recent interview with Empire had Perlman talking about Hellboy 3, and whether or not he wants to do the film, there's one thing he can't deny — Guillermo del Toro can write a good story. So good in fact, it sounds like Perlman is back to wanting to make the film (make up your mind!):

Guillermo told me what the resolve of the trilogy would look like, in broad strokes, and it’s such an amazingly theatrical, cinematic idea, that I found it essential that we do it. We were designed to be a trilogy, with a beginning, a middle and an end. We’ve only done two-thirds, so I feel that we’re not really done until we finish it….

[And then, as to the actual story…] Holy sh*t, he’s the beast of the Apocalypse. He has to take down civilization. He has to. It’s non-negotiable. That’s the foundation for the story, and that’s why I think it would be a shame if we don’t do it.

Perlman even detailed what the events in Hellboy 2 would shape up to be — Liz (Selma Blair) was pregnant with twins at the end, here's how that would go: 

The two twins: one would look like the mum and one would look like the dad. And one of them was going to be completely fucking corrupt, the other one angelic. Which one was which? Only Guillermo would make the fucked-up-looking one be the angel. So then that adds to the saga.

This film series will likely be rebooted before a third film is ever created. The third one will simply cost too much money and the studios don't want to shell the cash out to make it happen (but they are OK with churning out superhero movies every 24-minutes. How many times does Spider-Man need to be rebooted?)
