GZ News Update 11/27/13: Get your PS4s at GameStop and Riot unleashing legacy skins

Welcome fellow video game enthusiasts to GameZone's News Update. Want the latest breaking news, delivered in a quick, easy to digest way? Then look no further, and enjoy these latest headlines from the day.

Missed out on Nottingham Ezreal, Red Baron Corki, or one of the other now-retired League of Legends champion skins? Well, you're in luck as Riot Games has announced the Legacy Vault will be opened for a limited time.

Heading out on Black Friday in hopes of finding yourself a PlayStation 4 or Xbox One? We already know GameStop will have a "very limited supply" of Xbox One consoles for Black Friday, and it looks like the same will be true for Sony's PS4 as well.

December's free Xbox 360 Games with Gold: Gears of War and Shoot Many Robots

Microsoft today announced the next set of free Xbox 360 games for Xbox LIVE Gold Members. Continuing the Games with Gold promotion, Microsoft is giving away Gears of War and Shoot Many Robotsfor the month of December 2013.