Marvelous AQL recently took to Twitter and asked Half-Minute Hero fans if they'd want to see the sequel localized in North America. Considering the game which follows the beloved pixelated RPG has never been seen in any form on this side of the globe, I think it's fair to say that a lot of folks want Half-Minute Hero 2.
According to Marvelous Producer Esteban Salazar, the Twitter poll was used as a method to see where fan interest was at. In other words, if you want Half-Minute Hero 2, you better make sure you buy the first game.
"We’re just trying to gauge interest at this point,” Salazar told Siliconera. “It’s considerably more expensive to put out the sequel and we need to sell a lot more of the first game on PC to begin to justify it."
So there you have it. If you dig Half-Minute Hero, spread the word and support it. I've yet to play the game myself, actually, so it's probably time I gave it a look-see.
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