Hatoful Boyfriend is the world's first bird based dating sim, or at least we think it is. There's all sorts of craziness in the indie scene, so who really knows. The point is Hatoful Boyfriend is very successful take on the dating sim, the only one we know of that involves a human trying to win the affections of a cast of birds, and it's coming to PS4 and Vita on July 21.
Hatoful Boyfriend knows its selling points, look at that crisp 1080pigeon..
This latest version comes with new content: Players can now pursue romance with the golden pheasant Tohri, a character previously present only in the sequel. With this new love interest comes a whole new story path and ending for all you hopeless romantics out there.This version of the game also comes as a cross-buy package, so you can play on the big screen or play on the go.
Golden pheasant Tohri Nishikikouji is ready for your love on PS4 and Vita.
What's that? Did I say sequel earlier? Why yes, yes I did. Hatoful Boyfriend's unique parody and dark humor have made it a cult hit to say the least and even spawned a sequel, Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star.