Hatsune Miku will be making her US debut in upcoming 2016 tour

No South Florida?! DAMMIT!

While Hatsune Miku is no stranger to the West, as she's appeared in games, television and even a few concerts, she hasn't really had a full-fledged tour here in the States. That's changing in 2017. Starting in Japan, Miku will eventually make her way to Washington, California, Texas and New York.

For those that might not be familiar with the Japanese virtual idol, Hatsune Miku and her cohorts of Vocaloids are essentially holograms that are performing with a live band, in concert. What's even more unique is that Miku isn't voiced by anyone, but rather her words are sung through software. Think of it as a nerdier Gorillaz, and you get the gist.

Being a huge Hatsune Miku fan and stuck in South Florida, know that if you live in any of those cities listed below, I'm incredibly jealous of you. You too Canada!

Tour Dates:

04-23 Seattle, WA – WaMu Theater
04-30 San Francisco, CA – The Warfield (two shows)
05-06 Los Angeles, CA – Microsoft Theater
05-14 Dallas, TX – The Bomb Factory
05-20 Toronto, Ontario – Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
05-28 New York, NY – Hammerstein Ballroom (two shows)