Hearthstone hits iPhone and Android smartphones

We can finally take the addiction everywhere we go

Blizzard's digital trading card game, Hearthstone, is finally releasing on smartphones after releasing a year ago in March 2014. The free-to-play game has been redesigned for the smaller iPhone and Android phones.

The best part is that the smartphone release came just in time! The first adventure, Blackrock Mountain, has released for Hearthstone; bringing 31 cards and new game modes for anyone who wants to buy it!

If you already have Hearthstone and a Battle.net account, fear not, you will not be starting from scratch! Logging in to your account will unlock your full deck and will offer all of the same features the PC and tablet versions do. 

Playing your your first game on your smartphone will win you a Classic Card Pack –  win or lose. You can find the app on iTunes and Google Play.