Hearthstone’s Blackrock Mountain Adventured release date confirmed

That's soon!

On March 6th we heard that Hearthstone's newest adventure would take us into the depths of Blackrock Mountain. The adventure will be bringing 31 new cars to the game and will be rife with Dragon-type minion cards, new challenges, modes, music and legendary encounters.

The Blackrock Mountain adventure will be made up by five wings, each wing will release over the course of 5 weeks (one wing a week). Each wing will be available for purchase for 700 gold (in-game) or $6.99 per episode. The adventure will add two brand-new class cards to each of Hearthstone's nine classes. 

If you want to jump into Blackrock Mountain, it will be available on PC, Mac, iPad and Android tablets April 2 in the Americas. You can even pre-purchase the entire adventure for $25.
