Looks like League of Legends players will be treated to a new Heartseeker Ashe skin this Valentine's Day, if her arrival on the Public Beta Environment is any indication.
RiotAether took the PBE forums announcing her arrival:
Wanted to let you know that we'll be adding Heartseeker Ashe to the PBE this morning in a few hours once we deploy. Like most of our recent skins, we're putting her up for testing before her new in-progress features are fully implemented in order to start the feedback and bug loops as quickly as possible. In particular, the following skin components aren't implemented at all yet:
- Sound effects
- New visuals for Hawkshot (E)
Please keep this in mind when you see Ashe in game!
Unfortunately, we don't yet know the price or any other release details for the skin. Past Valentine's Day skins include Debonair Jayce last year, and Heartseeker Vayne in 2012.