Hell Yeah! DLC coming next week

Sega's recent platformer Hell Yeah! Wrath of the Dead Rabbit is getting two downloadable content packs on October 23.

Virtual Rabbit Missions adds 50 challenges and "over three hours of gameplay" for the cost of 400 Microsoft Points, or $4.99.

Also incoming is the Pimp My Rabbit pack, which includes 50 masks and 11 driller skins for Ash, the rabbit demon prince who lords over Hell. It'll run you 240 MP, or $2.99. The publisher mentioned that developer Arkedo Studio snuck in nods to other Sega franchises, like Jet Set Radio, Super Monkey Ball, and Crazy Taxi.

We gave Hell Yeah! an 8/10 in our review, calling it "a superb side-scrolling romp that's worth the $15 price tag."

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