Last week, Bungie announced that they planned on implementing microtransactions in Destiny, a new in-game currency called 'Silver', and guess what? They're here.
Tess Everis has returned to the Tower with a new storefront, new look, and new items to sell for Silver. The new in-game currency won't allow players to purchase game altering weapons or gear, but will be used to purchase any of the eighteen different emotes. Prices for the emotes have yet to be revealed, but we will let you know as soon as servers go up.
How much will you be paying for Silver? Well, whether you're playing on the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 3 the prices are the same:
500 Destiny Silver
- $4.99
1000 (+100 Bonus) Destiny Silver
- $9.99
2000 (+300 Bonus) Destiny Silver
- $19.99
Yesterday, Bungie gave us a look at five of the 18 new emotes coming tomorrow; Bring It On, Come at me Bro, Full Bow, Sorrow, and Watch Your Back. You can check those out here.