Between seasons of Game of Thrones, Kit Harington (known as Jon Snow) has been dabbling in movies and in motion capture for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. It's interesting to think that we will be seeing Jon Snow in space, but unfortunately, we haven't seen him in space yet – just in a motion capture outfit.
According to the official Facebook page for Call of Duty, Kit Harington will be the SetDef admiral of Olympus Mons in Infinite Warfare – making him the bad guy.
Sure, the outfit definitely evokes a weird feeling, but the onesie isn't a space suite – it's a motion capture suit that will put Harington's movements and mannerisms into Infinite Warfare.
Harington was also shoved into a space filled with lights and cameras, which means that his body motions won't be the only thing in the game – his face will be too.
Hopefully Harington is given enough freedom in Infinite Warfare to bring his badassery out in full-force.
With so much light focused on Harington being the good guy in Game of Thrones, it will be kind of cool to see him being the opposite in Call of Duty.