Is it time to get your The Division beta code? Yes, it is indeed that time.
If you have been lamenting over the fact that Ubisoft has yet to send you your beta code for The Division even though you pre-ordered it like I have, you'll want to hear this. There's a way to access your beta key and pre-load the closed beta – without waiting for that pesky email to invite you into the glory that is The Division.
Seriously Ubisoft, gamers are too impatient for rolling out emails at a nice and gentle pace.
So, here's how to get your code:
- Log in to UPlay (with the email you used to enter the closed beta).
- On the upper right hand portion of your screen, you'll see an arrow pointing down. Click it and select Account Information.
- On the Account Information page, go to the tab that says Beta Access.
- Click 'Show Access Key.'
- Success!
Now all you need to do is put the code in under the code redemption page of whatever platform you chose for to play the beta on.
*Note: All attempts that yielded a code through this process were from Amazon pre-orders. If you pre-ordered through PSN and are having a tough time accessing the beta for pre-load, see the comments below.