After a decade of waiting, it's finally here. Final Fantasy XV releases in less than 48 hours. The wait is finally almost over! Although a plethora of early copies are in the wild and people have been playing it for weeks, the majority of us will be playing the full game from start to finish for the first time starting Tuesday.
To help build that hype up a bit more, we finally have the full trophy/achievements list for the highly anticipated JRPG. While there don't appear to be any massive spoilers, you may want to be wary of some minor ones just in case. The list ranges from things like beating chapters, completing certain gameplay tasks, and more. Below, you will find the entire list of trophies of Final Fantasy XV (which is identical to Xbox's achievements) courtesy of ExoPhase.
Final Fantasy XV releases for Xbox One and PS4 on Tuesday, November 29th.
Collected all trophies.0.00%
Completed the Prologue.98.11%
Completed Chapter 1.67.92%
Completed Chapter 2.47.17%
Completed Chapter 3.33.96%
Completed Chapter 4.33.96%
Completed Chapter 5.32.08%
Completed Chapter 6.24.53%
Completed Chapter 7.24.53%
Completed Chapter 8.18.87%
Completed Chapter 9.16.98%
Completed Chapter 10.16.98%
Completed Chapter 11.16.98%
Completed Chapter 12.16.98%
Completed Chapter 13.13.21%
Completed Chapter 14.13.21%
Defeated Ifrit on Normal difficulty.13.21%
Drove the Regalia.81.13%
Rode a Chocobo.39.62%
Flew the Regalia Type-F.9.43%
Equipped four weapon slots.84.91%
Collected thirteen royal arms.3.77%
Learned first ability.96.23%
Activated 20 ability nodes.39.62%
Activated 50 ability nodes.7.55%
Improved fishing level for the first time.45.28%
Improved survival level for the first time.79.25%
Improved photography level for the first time.90.57%
Improved cooking level for the first time.75.47%
Reached maximum fishing level.1.89%
Reached maximum survival level.1.89%
Reached maximum photography level.3.77%
Reached maximum cooking level.3.77%
Performed first point-warp suspension.92.45%
Issued first ally command.98.11%
Performed first blindside link.96.23%
Initiated first link-strike after parrying an attack.94.34%
Called forth the Armiger for the first time.33.96%
Crafted a spell for the first time.77.36%
Used magic for the first time.77.36%
Summoned one of the Six for the first time.13.21%
Played JUSTICE MONSTERS FIVE for the first time.64.15%
Caught an image of Gentiana in a photo.26.42%
Completed first sidequest.77.36%
Completed 5 sidequests.56.60%
Completed 10 sidequests.45.28%
Completed 20 sidequests.33.96%
Completed 40 sidequests.16.98%
Completed 80 sidequests.5.66%
Completed first hunt.81.13%
Defeated the adamantoise.1.89%