Yesterday, Telltale released an exclusive video for Telltale Games' next series of "choice and consequence," The Wolf Among Us, and today we finally can show it off to you.
Based on Bill Willingham's award-winning comic book series FABLES, the game puts you in the role of Bigby Wolf who serves as the sheriff of a community in New York City with the task of keeping other magical fairytale characters from harming each other. Unlike the fairytales you may be used, it seems The Wolf Among Us has a much darker tone. From a chain-smoking member of The Three Little Pigs to the car-stealing Mr. Toad, The Wolf Among Us explores these character's lives on the mean streets of New York City.
While the video itself doesn't reveal too much of the story, which is set prior to the events seen in the first issue of the FABLES comic book series, it does provide a nice look at Telltale's visual style and gameplay approach. Both are reminiscent not only to the comic, but Telltale's previously released series, The Walking Dead, which will be getting a second season.
Episode one of The Wolf Among Us, titled Faith, is set to premiere "soon" for PSN, Xbox LIVE, PC and Mac.