The $49.99 Premium Pass for Battlefield 1 has finally been detailed and along with it, the first two of four planned DLC packs have been revealed. The first two DLC pack with take us across Europe, the first will take us to France in the 'They Shall Not Pass' expansion in March 2017.
The second DLC pack will be bringing the Russian Empire into the battle at some point in the future.
According to the blurb on Origin, the Premium Pass will bring 16 new multiplayer maps, 20 new weapons, 14 unique dog tags and 14 Battlefield 1 Battlepacks containing "stand-out" weapon skins. The Battlepacks will not be available all at once upon release, but monthly, starting in November 2016.
In addition to these items, Premium Pass owners will have early access to each of the four themed expansion packs.