Here’s what’s on sale this weekend on Steam: 4/15/2017

LEGO games galore.

Hey, look! It's another Steam sale! This weekend the digital games distributor has discounted their entire library of LEGO Games, so if you are in the midst of a Star Wars high with all of the reveals going on, you can pick up LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens for a mere $16. If LEGO games aren't your thing, you can still get your Sci-Fi on with Endless Space, a 4X Strategy game or the open world simulation of Elite Dangerous.

As always, here's a look at the highlights of what's on sale this weekend on Steam.

Planet Coaster 25% $33.74
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator 10% $14.39
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 67% $9.90
Endless Space: Collection 97% $1.00
Battlerite 33% $13.39
Elite Dangerous 33% $20.09
LEGO Worlds 33% $20.09
NBA 2K17 40% $35.99
I Am Setsuna 40% $23.99
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens 60% $15.99
Project Highrise 50% $9.99
SOMA 66% $10.19
Insurgency 50% $4.99

If you'd like a more comprehensive look at the Steam sales, you can do so by heading over here.

Source: [Steam]