When Prey was announced at Bethesda's E3 press conference earlier this year people were left with more questions than answers, so the developers at Arkane Studios decided to explain what Prey is all about.
The original Prey "series" was only one game long (because the second installment got canceled) it managed to gather quite a following. After Bethesda announced a new game called Prey, it got a lot of attention, but fans were left with a lot of questions. Was it going to walk down on the same path as previous Prey games had gone down before? Would it somehow be connected to the other games? Would it even be the previously canceled Prey 2? Was it a brand new game that just took the name Prey to show than the original franchise was dead? Thankfully Bethesda and Arkane Studios gave us the answers to these questions, so wonder no more!
In a video appropriately named "What Is Prey?" the president and creative director of Arkane Studios, Raphael Colantonio, explains a bit what Prey is. He opens up by giving the answer to the question most of us had, will Prey be connected to the other games or not.
"Prey is not a sequel, it’s not a remake, it has no tie with the original, you have to look at it like a re-imagining of the IP. You are onboard a space station and there aliens and you have to survive."
There it is, Prey is its own thing and is not connected to the original franchise, it's its own thing inspired by the originals, Prey will have the 'Prey spirit,' but it is not a part of or connected to the old games. Colantonio went on to talk about what type of game fans can expect Prey to be and one thing is for sure, it's not horror.
"It's not horror. The psychology called thriller-dimension is more around theme of identity, you know, who are you exactly as Morgan Yu"
Colantonio also points out that Prey is not just about shooting things, it's a hybrid game with narrative mixed with action with a thin RPG layer on top. Prey will give players weapons, like the good old shotgun shown in the trailer but also various powers which Morgan can learn from the aliens alongside with some space sciences gadgets which were not meant for combat but somehow Morgan Yu can use them in combat.
Like we already know Prey is being developed by Arkane Studios, Colantonio assures fans that if they liked the other Arkane games, "those games that blend narratives, simulations, some choices, and a lot of player exploration", then Prey will probably be for you. It sounds like Colantonio want's to say "Dishonored" but for some reason can't.
Oh, Morgan Yu can both be a male and a female, players can pick what they want to play as in the beginning of the game. That's also why Arkane Studios decided to go with Morgan as the name for their protagonist, it's gender neutral so both the male and female protagonist will have the same name.