Heroes of the Storm gets Technical Alpha Patch; New Hero, Mac support, and more

When will it go from Alpha to Beta...?

Blizzard's MOBA Heroes of the Storm is still in Alpha testing (it feels like it's been in Alpha forever) and the Alpha just got an update!

The Alpha Technical Update is bringing plenty of new feature, tweaks and fixes to the game. There's a new hero, polished game art, support for 64-bit Mac users (32-bit was removed), additions to the in-game shop, UI changes, and so much more. 

First let's take a look at Jaina Proudmore, the newest hero that hit Heroes of the Storm. Jaina comes from the Warcraft series and is the founder of Theramore Isle (while it existed). Check her out in the main image above! 


Frost Bolt (Q)

  • Fires a bolt that deals damage and Chills the target.

Blizzard (W)

  • Creates a storm of ice at target location, damaging and Chilling enemies.

Cone of Cold (E)

  • Deals damage in a cone and Chills targets. Causes 'Frost Bite,' your abilities will slow targets and cause them to take more damage.

Heroic Abilities

Summon Water Elemental (R)

  • Summons a powerful Water Elemental.

Ring of Frost (R)

  • Creates a freezing ring that roots and damages enemies.

On top of the addition of Jaina, nerfs and buffs have gone out to various Heroes. The patch also made new holiday themed skins and Master skins available on the shop!

Check out a detailed look at the patch here.