Hey Arnold! to return as TV movie

Looks like we will finally learn about his parents

Nickelodeon revealed their push to return TV shows from the 90's with 'The Splat' earlier this year. The Splat was described by Nickelodeon as a "new multiscreen content destination spanning television, seven social media platforms, and a dedicated website aggregating the most loved Nick content from the 1990s and beyond.”

This 'content destination' was an answer to the fears of ruining nostalgia filled content with remakes. Well, it looks like we are kind of getting a remake regardless of The Splat. Nickelodeon intends on resurrecting Hey Arnold! with a new TV movie.

Between 1996 and 2004, the football headed youth went through a series of plotlines, but there was one plot that was never resolved… Where were his parents? The TV movie will look to address this plot, but will be careful to have the movie be 'consistent' with the original series.

We are very selective about the series, what we go back to, and think about how we can take them and make them special,” said Chris Viscardi, the co-creator of 'The Adventures of Pete & Pete' to Variety. “It’s really important to us to be really consistent with the storytelling that was there long ago on the series but also work to reimagine it , even just a little bit, and make it appealing and thrilling for today’s audience.” 

Viscardi has been named the senior vice president of content development for franchise properties, so we have to put our trust in him that Hey Arnold! won't suck,