Just a friendly reminder. As was previously announced, Hitman Episode 2 releases today for PS4, Xbox One and PC. Reviews for the game did not go live until today, and are currently slowly trickling in. The early returns on Episode 2 are positive.
"It’s safe to say that the quality of this second episode stays very strong." – WCCFTech
"Its many means of dealing death are intrinsically linked to the targets' foibles, an ironic playfulness which complements the series' delight in players messing around and finding out how to put the pieces together." – Video Gamer
Episode 2 adds a whole host of new goodies including challenges, weapons and disguises all on top of a main storyline that sees you tackle two targets, bio-terrorist scientists Silvio Caruso and Francesca De Santis.
Here's hoping Episode 2 improves upon the foundations laid down by the Paris level in Episode 1. For more on Hitman, check out our review of the first episode.