Deep Silver has announced that Homefront: The Revolution will be playable for the first time next month in the UK during the EGX gaming event. The event takes place from Sep 24th-27th.
Homefront: The Revolution takes place in the near future as the Korean army has successfully invaded the United States of America and now occupies the good ol' US of A. After all, no better way to crush your enemy's spirit than by taking over the City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia). Of course, not every American is down with the invasion, and it's up to you to help the resistance expel the Koreans and take back the land of the free.
All visitors to the event will be limited to only 20 minutes of playtime to ensure all have an equal chance. There will also be a panel discussion on Friday afternoon which will cover the game's current development.
Homefront: The Revolution is set for a 2016 release on PS4, PC and Xbox One