Honest Game Trailers tackles Batman: Arkham Asylum

Boy, Warner Bros. sure does know how to make a superhero game...

Smosh Games' Honest Game Trailers series on YouTube went ahead and did a video for Batman: Arkham Asylum. Seeing as how a new trailer for Arkham Knight released last week, the timing couldn't be better. Arkham Asylum, from 2009, was the first good Batman game made in like, forever, and it inspired pre-quel games like Arkham Origins and Shadow of Mordor.

My favorite part of the Honest Game Trailer is when they talk about how the world of Batman comes to life in great detail and beatiful graphics, then you ignore them by spending half the game in detective mode, a spooky skeleton instagram filter.

It's hard to find things to complain about with Arkham Asylum, and while this Honest Game Trailer does a great job at pointing out the annoyances, it's still an amazing game. Have a watch and see for yourself!