Hotline Miami’s PS3 and Vita release date announced

Devolver Digital announced today that the PS3 and Vita versions of Hotline Miami, the 2D, top-down bloody action game from Dennation Games, will release on June 25th for $9.99. And yes, it will be offered as a Cross-Buy title on PSN, so you can play it on PS3 and Vita with just one purchase.

"The teams at Dennaton Games, Abstraction Games, and Devolver Digital have worked incredibly hard to reproduce the fast-paced gameplay and super tight controls of the original game, and we couldn’t be happier with how Hotline Miami plays on PS3 and PS Vita," said Devolver Digital's Nigel Lowrie.

As a celebration, the PlayStation versions will receive an exclusive mask: Russell the raging bull. When equipped, Russell will turn the entire game black and white, save for the neon text and red blood. You can find this mask hidden early in the game. Additionally,t he game receives a bunch of new upgrades, like leaderboards for each level of the game, Trophies, and touch support for lock-on targeting in the Vita version.