Huge Rocket League Patch adds ranked play and PC Master Race filter

Other changes also include flag and RP modifications

Rocket League patch 1.05 has dropped and it bring with some major modificaitons in a huge list of changes.  Among the most notable changes are season 1 of Ranked Play being added along with the ability of PC players to filter out PS4 players at will.

There will be 11 divisions in Ranked Play with three of each gold, silver and bronze divisions along with an unranked and Platinum division. Every 100 RP you earn will progress you to the next division and you will get demoted if you drop below 0 RP. Once you reach Gold level 3 in Ranked, you will remain there even after you earn the 100 RP necessary as Platinum is reserved for the game's top 100 overall players. 

The patch also includes all new flags added to the game along with a number of spectate mode improvements. These are the main headliners in the patch and the full list including bug fixes can be viewed on the game's official page. How are you enjoying Rocket League so far? Let us know