Hugh Jackman is living a Teenage Dream in new Katy Perry lip-sync video

Jackman's eyebrows are having a party

Ever wonder what actor Hugh Jackman does when he's not Wolverine? This.


Oh nothing much … just singing along to @katyperry! Living a teenage dream!!

A video posted by Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) on

Aug 10, 2015 at 10:08pm PDT

Jackman, who you think would be busy bulking up for his final portrayal of Wolverine, is instead brushing up on his lip-syncing talent. Maybe he's trying to show off his skills to land a spot on Spike TV's "Lip Sync Battle" for when his post-Wolverine life. 

Of course, anyone familiar with Jackman's resume knows he's an incredibly gifted singer. Which makes me wonder, why Katy Perry? You're clearly better than that, Hugh.