Developer ArcticAnteater's online shoot 'em up Kill Fun Yeah is currently available for $1 on IndieGameStand. You know what that means: if you're looking to blast some fools digitally in a colorful 2D action game, you can do so for cheap. Oh, but you should probably hurry because the sale will end in about an hour.
If you pay over the average (currently $2.06), you'll also receive some bonus goodies in the form of wallpapers and in-game skins. Additionally, paying $10 will get you Kill Fun Yeah, Reprisal, and whatever mystery indie title lands on the pay-what-you-want site next.
Save the polar bears! As usual, 10 percent of all proceeds from this campaign will go to a charity of the developer's choosing. ArcticAnteater has decided on Polar Bears International. So I repeat: save the polar bears!
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