#IDARB to be Xbox One’s Games with Gold for February

It Draws a Red Box or Star Wars: The Force Awakens?

Other Ocean Interactive's 2D eSports platformer #IDARB (It Draws a Red Box) is set to release in February 2015 as part of Microsoft's Games with Gold for Xbox One. This means any Xbox LIVE Gold subscribers will get the Xbox One exclusive for free during that month.

#IDARB is described as a "chaotic 8-player eSport jumping jetpack future arena ball game." Inspired by Bomberman and Smash Bros., with a mix of "cans of soda and paint-by-number books," players try to steal a ball and launch it into their goal. Players are able to pass the ball between each other and can emit an electronic pulse to knock it out of another player's hands.

Part of what makes #IDARB unique — especially as an eSports game — is that the audience has an influence in the game. Viewers who are spectating a match can disrupt the players, in real time, through either Twitch or Twitter. Some examples include turning the ball into a bomb, spawning fireworks, filling the screen with water, and more.

To celebrate today's announcement, Other Ocean Interactive released a new trailer for #IDARB. Hm, seems a bit familiar, no?

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