If true, February’s PS Plus lineup is amazing

Transistor, Thief, AND Rogue Legacy? You're too much!

We're still awaiting official announcement from Sony, but February 2015's lineup of free PlayStation Plus games has been potentially revealed thanks to a premature post from PlayStation Germany and a now-private video.

Although the games were announced for Germany, there's often overlap between what's offered for PS Plus in Europe and North America. So I'm pretty confident that, if true, these are the games we'll also be getting next month for PS4, PS3, and Vita.

  • Apotheon (PS4)
  • Transistor (PS4)
  • Thief (PS3)
  • Yakuza 4 (PS3)
  • Rogue Legacy (PS4, PS3, PS Vita Cross-Buy)
  • Kick and Fennick (PS Vita)

Once the official announcement is made (hopefully sometime today) I'll provide a brief overview of each game, but for now I'd just like to point out that this lineup is freaking amazing. Microsoft has a lot of catching up to do after revealing a pitiful February lineup of Games with Gold.
