HTML5, a 3D javascript library, and a whole lot of talent and brains was what it took to create this web-based futuristic racing game from French computer engineering student Tiabaut Despoulain.. Yes, built from the ground up to run in your browser using HTML5 by a single person (with a little bit of help from other people as well).
HexGL was built with love using three.js, a 3D library built on top of WebGL and maintained by Mr.doob and AlteredQualia. I'd also like to thank Nobiax for the great metalic road texture, and all the beta-testers that gave me a hand during the development phase.
The game looks absolutely gorgeous for running in your browser, not to mention it strongly resembles another great futuristic racer, WipEout. Apparently Mr. Despoulain is looking for some 3D work overseas, I can't imagine he'd have a hard time with the amount of skill he possesses.
What's more, if you have that competitive spirit, the online leaderboards will post your best times on the site.