Insomniac Games to Demo Latest PS3 Project at PAX 2010

Developer Insomniac Games will be revealing their upcoming PlayStation 3 project at this years Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), with the game’s initial announcement coming sometime between now and then. The event, taking place this year, from Sept. 3-5, will feature several panels.

At 6:30pm Saturday, September 4th, the developer is holding a panel at the Penny Arcade Expo in the Serpent Theatre where the game will be demoed to attendees.

Perhaps we are looking a bit too far into this, but this sentence did stand out for us, “We’re really excited to finally reveal this project, and we couldn’t resist being the first to share the news with you.” Did they have to use the word “resist” in that sentence?

Some may also remember the May announcement that Insomniac would be developing a game to be published by EA for both the Xbox 360 and PS3. There is still no word on this title, or if any new information will be shown at that same panel.

via Insomniac