Klei Entertainment's procedural turn-based tactical espionage game Invisible, Inc. will hit Steam Early Access on August 19, the developer announced today.
For those unfamiliar, Invisible, Inc. sees you command an elite group of spies through a procedurally generated world "with danger around every corner." Using stealth, you must hack into systems, upgrade agens, and manipulate guards in order to infiltrate and escape some of the world's most secure locations.
As an Early Access release, it's important to realize that this isn't the complete retail version. That said, it will feature a "more robust" campaign mode and allow you to pick which missions to take on. Additionally, you'll see a "deeper mainframe experience" and "enhanced stealth gameplay." Early Access will provide an improved interface, refined skills and new mechanics like dragging bodies.
Invisible, Inc. will be priced at $15.99 during its Early Access on Steam. That's 20 percent cheaper than its final $19.99 retail price. GameZone's Joe Donato had a chance to check out Invisible, Inc. at PAX East back in April, calling it a "smart, tactical game with great presentation."